So I originally designed this to keep my cat from knocking all my steel guitar picks and bar onto the floor and batting them into her secret black hole portal… and it does a fine job of that.
But the real killer feature is I can put on all my thumb picks in one quick motion. Often the hardest part of regular practice is getting started. Less friction = more practice.
On my Fender dual pro, I have a smaller version that I stick on to the guitar with mounting putty, which helps me get ready to play in no time at all. The bar can just rest in the tuner pan, as has been the way for generations before me.
All options are available on my store.

Vic,I can’t seem to find the checkout cart?I saw it once and corrected the amount that was in there,I would like to buy 1of the pick holders.
If you can help?
Hey Stu, sorry about that! When you click add to cart, scroll up to the very top and you’ll see the cart and checkout. I can now see how this would be very confusing and I’ll work on fixing it.
Edit: the cart is now a separate page, and linked in the title bar
Vic: Can I buy a pick and bar caddy by mailing you a check that will also cover shipping cost to zip c code 20902 If so, I’ll need your mailing address and total cost. Thanks, Tommy…..
Steel guitar pick caddy
Is it possible to make an option so the unit can attach to leg of the steel guitar